Monthly Archives: January 2011

Mickey Scones

I made some of Alton Brown’s cranberry scones today after Chuck was over. They came out delicious as usual and since I have amassed a large quantity of Mickey shaped cookie cutters, I decided to use one of those for them instead of a biscuit cutter. I am glad I did because they came out adorable!

Recipe courtesy Alton Brown

Prep Time:
10 minutes
Cook Time:
15 minutes or so
1 dozen

* 2 cups flour
* 4 teaspoons baking powder
* 3/4 teaspoon salt
* 1/3 cup sugar
* 4 tablespoons butter
* 2 tablespoons shortening
* 3/4 cup cream
* 1 egg
* Handful dried currants or dried cranberries

Heat oven to 375 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Mix well. Cut in butter and shortening. In a separate bowl, combine cream with beaten egg then add to dry ingredients. Stir in fruit. Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Roll dough out and cut into biscuit size rounds. Bake for 15 minutes or until brown.

I have to remember to post when I make things nowadays! I always take pictures but sometimes forget to do writeups!

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Posted by on January 31, 2011 in The Bakery!


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